2024 Oktoberfest Convention
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where and When will the institute hold the 2024 Oktoberfest Convention?
A: The institute plans to hold the 2024 Oktoberfest (fall) convention at the Fredericksburg Inn & Suite in Fredericksburg Texas, from Wed 10/2/2024 to Sunday 10/6/2024. See digital download pass for details once purchased via the Store.
Q: What’s the main theme for this convention?
A: We nicknamed this convention “Doing the quiet part out loud”. As we have witnessed in the past decade, the West is accelerating towards a collision of economic, demographic and political crisis. The outcome of which determine the course of our society for generations to come. At this convention we will present the deterministic course that got us here, the optimum choice to obtain the best outcome, and what each of us can do to shape that future.
Q: What’s the general format for these 5 days?
A: We structured this event as a retreat, with plenty of time for panels, discussions, and network building. Holding it during Oktoberfest weekend affords us the venues to make it family friendly, for the enjoyment of all.
Q: Where can people stay?
A: We highly recommend Fredericksburg Inn & Suite, since we will be holding key events there for 3 out of the 5 days. Early birds (signup prior to 8/31/2024) can get a discount for staying at FI&S.
The venues are all situated in downtown Fredericksburg, with plenty of lodging options around. Here are the results based on a casual search.